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5 Early Spring Garden Tips To Kick Off the Season

As a gardening enthusiast you most likely want a great garden, but where do you start? Here are 5 Early garden tips to get your garden started right.

1. Prep the Soil

Break up the soil with a cultivating fork to make weed removal easier. Mix in some compost or manure and then cover with black plastic or a tarp to protect the soil until you’re ready to plant your seeds.

2. Prune

Prune all of your spring flowering shrubs to allow for new growth. Any damaged, dead or sagging limbs should be cut back, but be sure not cut the main trunk.

3. Plant Bulbs

Plant summer blooming bulbs in your garden around perennials or in pots to brighten up your deck. These include plants such as dahlias, gladiolus, and calla lilies. Use a fertilizer higher in phosphorous.

4. Tend to Your Lawn

Grass can suffer from decay and moss during the winter months, so it’s important that you cut out any dead or intruded patches, to avoid further spreading. Use Earth Safe® Lawn on established yards to prevent weeds and encourage lush growth.

5. Cool Weather Veggies

Vegetables that can stand the cold should be going in the ground now. These include arugula, kale, spinach, beets, broccoli, cabbage, fennel, peas, onions, turnips, and Swiss chard.


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